Sunday, 5 August 2012

Ramadhan Al- Mubarrak!

Hi everyone! First of all I would like to wish all of the Muslim in the whole world, Happy Ramadhan.
Why is it happy? Some of you might say it sounds so informal but it is the fact. You do know what we face during the month of Ramadhan, right?

A month of starving? No! It's a month of patience.
A month of loosing our prep time. No! A month used to manage our time for Allah and Ibadat.
So, friends let's not argue during this holy month.

This month, Allah gave us blessings in which every ibadat we do will be doubled-tripled and quadriple and on and on and on! Imagine the rewards we could get by just picking up a litter we see in front of our eyes because it is ALSO considered as an Ibadat.

Plus, Ramadhan is also the month where the door of heavens will be opened and the door of hell will be closed and all the devils will be chained! Imagine the privillege we get! It's like a coupon for you to use to enter Heaven. So, do make sure you use the month Ramadhan wisely.


Wow!Wow!Wow~ Don't be too greedy shopping at the Bazzar Ramadhan. Don't make yourself suffer carrying 11 plastic on your own. Remember to be moderate and always be grateful on what we have. So, don't eat too much.

Feed yourself with Ibadat and not Nafsu okay?

And! Don't forget to urge yourself to perform prayers and ibadat so that you would be able to see the Lailatul Qadr. 

-Cultural and Arts Exco MJSC Transkrian


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